Sunday, March 18, 2007

When War meets Video Games

1. Why are war video games so popular now?
War video games are so popular now because of how realistic gaming has become. Not just war video games but any first-person shooting games. State of the art graphics shown in commercials lure the gamers into buying the game. Every detail from footprints to movements of clothes just makes the game more realistic and interesting to play. Also if peers talk about how good the game is, they would also want to try it.

2. "If it's not realistic, it's not worth playing," is a quote in the article. Do you think realistic war games desensitive people to the horror of war or is it just fun?
I think that it is just fun. Even though the game is realistic, it is just the fact that they get the feel that they are in the war, using strategies to beat enemies. Gamers just like to do missions and beating the game, while shooting and blowing people up. Online gaming makes it even more exciting. Gamers like to compete against each other to see who is the better shooter. Overall, realistic war games add on to the excitement of the game.

3. What do you personally think of war video games?
I think war video games won't harm anyone. Video games are all about fun and it won't mean that I'll go out and start shooting people. How realistic the game is also matters to me. Being able to shoot through thin walls, hiding in trenches, the smoke from explosions, how realistic the soldiers look, every single detail makes the game even more fun to play. Also, shooting games gives me the impression to join the army or to be in SWAT.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

with the GOOD, comes the BAD

Technology is everywhere around us. As of now, im using technolgy. It has evolved throughout the years and its making life simpler, but more complicated. It has allowed people to do cetain things in less time with less effort. The invention of new technology makes our lives easier. However, it also brings unintended effects. Technology had a lot of effects on human lifestyle, and as the rate of progress increases, society must deal with both the good and bad results.

In many ways, technology simplifies life. People can respond faster to events and trends. It also sets the stage for more harder learning tasks and they will get used to multi-tasking. People can communicate from anywhere around the world with technologies such as cell phones and online chatting. MP3s are also a good invention. It allows us to listen to music anywhere at anytime.Technology is simply amazing and is evolving by the minute.

In other ways, technology complicates life. New forms of technology destroy human nature. An example is the pollution of the atmosphere. More advanced video game consoles are very addicting and a child can spend hours and hours glued to the television without being bored. This can affect a student by not being able to do their homework and sleeping late. Also, text messaging can affect a student's academic performance. Dey wont b usin proper english nd would b ritin lyke dis. Although the internet has many great uses, it has a major flaunt. Sites where they ask for personal information can be dangerous and anonymous people can find out where a person lives which is a major concern. Technology is very complex.

An IPod classroom?

1. The article suggests that iPod video lectures are effective for '"kinesthetic learners", who tend to be hands-on, active, and require frequent breaks. Do you think that you would learn well using an iPod? Why or why not?

The iPod is currently the world's best-selling digital audio player and it is one of the most popular consumer brands. I would definitely learn well watching video lectures from an iPod video because that would mean that I'd actually own one. Also i think a lot of students will watch these videos because having it stored in their iPod videos would fit their lifestyle since iPods are the new thing nowadays, along with all the extra accessories.

I think an iPod would help me understand the concepts better because if i dont get it the first time, I can always rewind and go back. I can also watch video lectures wherever I go even on the bus, car, subway, everywhere even in the washroom. I wouldn't even have to go to class or seminars. I can just watch it on my iPod. Also, I can watch it whenever i want.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006


I go by the name of Nicolo. I chose to use the name lefty because I am left-handed.

Alright, let me tell you my story... I was skydiving one time and my partner was a cow. As we fell the donkey who was flying the plane was driking coffee and he was REAL HYPER. Then my mom was like, "Come down from there!" Then Jesus was all up in my face like, "You got milk?" And I was like, "Yeah boy!" Then some guy was all like "Naah man" Then the guy from the skittles commerical was like "Taste the rainbow" at this time I was laughing my butt off. It's alright though. Oh yeah! The cow died of cancer that he got from drinking too much goat milk.